Sunday 16 January 2011

Well then

After having a very lovely conversation with Kristian<3 last night that lasted a little longer than it should have, bed time was 10.30am. Yep, when normal people get up from bed i go to bed. Makes me feel a bit sick.
I woke up at some point but thought it was still the morning because it was dark outside and it didn't feel like i had much sleep, so i went to the kitchen to get some water. I downed 3 pints of water and when returning to my humble abode i noticed that one of my housemates was very well dressed and peeling potatoes (POTATOES?!). I found it really weird that she was having potatoes for breakfast. Apart from the odd hashbrown here and there. But when i got back to bed i looked at the time '17.35'.
Went back to sleep only to wake up at '21.33' which is fucking effort! Especially seen as i'm still drunk and my head is all like 'WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY' but in a bad way.
I need to cook some food and i need to go down the shop for fags, but i don't know whether the 'rip-off' Spar will still be open.

Good night last night though ;)

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