Sunday 16 January 2011


It's amazing how such a high can go to such a low.
I think this is why i love being around guys so much is because i don't have so much competition to deal with. It's just me and them having fun and not caring about anything apart from what we are talking about or what we are doing. It doesn't matter. Apart from the alpha male of course which i strive to look out for, and which i do but it doesnt involve me so thats all good, it's just them. But i look out for this in all social groups and it's awesome, i see it everywhere. In peoples halls, houses, courses; everywhere. I love seeking out this alpha role so it's all good.

But the thing i'm starting to hate is the whole alpha female role. Even if its what they wear, the way they look, the way they present themselves, their personality. It stresses me out. It's stressed me out for years now, and now that i've actually had a break from all this shit and have come back to it has made me realise i need to man the fuck up.

I know i need to change, and now i know more than ever because i can see all these people looking so perfect. I know what i need to do to change and hopefully i can do that. When i do i can be okay with what i look like. It's not like i want to look like these little bitches, it's just i want to make an impression. That's it :)

I love Women <3

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