Wednesday 12 January 2011

Finally started a blog.

I've been meaning to start a blog for the longest time now, and I finally have.

Whenever I have made a blog before, I always got 'Bloggers-block' and haven't got around to writing one. But i've made one now, and i'm ready to write about lots of different things.

Hope you enjoy.
That picture is of my dog, BB. I took her for a walk over the fields by me, and she decided to roll around in aload of horse poo . I put her in the bath straight away and the water turned green and I thought.. 'I have never seen a dog in a green bath before' and started taking some photographs because I thought not many people have either, unless they have a stinking little dog that likes to roll around in shit.


  1. I'm so glad you have a blog now!! Yey!! And I've never seen a dog in a green bath. You've opened my mind.

    Lovely to be able to read that you're doing okay, I'm so rubbish with staying in contact!!

    Love you! And I look forward to more bloggingss!! xxxxxxxxx

  2. Haha. I didn't know how to start it really, and this photographs is one of my favourites :)

    I'm not really sure what to write about tbh! There are so many things to choose from!

    Hope your okay lovely :) xxxx
