Wednesday 23 February 2011

200 miles away.

I just feel so alone.
There is actually nothing here for me. No longterm friendships, no accomplishments, no luxury or well-being. There is actually nothing here for me at all. I can't even say i had a good year here, because i
really haven't. If it was a fraction i would have had 1/6 of a good time here. Now that's what i call
good spending on tuition fees/rent/basic
living and all the rest of it.
It just feels like such a waste, but then again i could have been saying the same back at home 'It's been such a waste of a year, i could have gone to uni' but if i was back at home i would have everything that i don't have here.
Nevermind eh!

It's just a constant feeling of loneliness, which fucking sucks man.

I just cannot wait to go back to the homeland and actually live happily. I'm still young and i have years to go to uni. I want to travel and explore things. I want to actually find out what i want to do in life rather than see an option on clearing and think 'That'll do'. I want to have an epiphany, hit the accelerator and just be there man.
I want to live my life full and i'm really not doing it here, no matter how hard i try.

Roll on hometown! Roll on good times!

1 comment:

  1. Go back to photography man. You know it's right.
    And come visit me in Summer.
